Rudra ARM7 Development board is a perfect platform to evaluate the capabilities of NXP LPC2148 microcontroller. The board has been designed using advanced SMD components and high quality multilayer PCB. Rudra ARM7 Development board is a combination of Rudra Main board (RA-01) and Rudra Add-on board (RA02). The board offers rich set of peripherals to perform advanced embedded applications.
Rudra - ARM7 Development Board Featured
Additional Info
- SKU Number: RA01 & RA02
NXP(Philips) :LPC2148 ARM7 processor Power up provisions :USB cable & 7.5 adaptor Operating voltages of board 5V & chip 3.3V USB programming Manual and Power on reset Crystal frequency 12 Mhz 3.3V CMOS battery connecting point 32.768 KHz Crystal oscillator for RTC RS232 serial port for serial communication VGA Interfacing USB device Interfacing Provisions for on-chip ADC & DAC interface Provisions for JTAG Interface Potentiometer for ADC input & LCD contrast adjustment Standard two 40 pin GPIO connector I/O pins are connected to GPIO connector for external interface Eight slide switches 3 x 3 Keypad Matrix interface 16x2 LCD Interface Four 7 Segment Display Interf 5V Solid State Relay Interface Buzzer Interface PS/2 Interface SD / Micro SD Interface Onboard Stereo jack for audio interface
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- Rudra_Spec.pdf (4836 Downloads)